When I start thinking about the future of TV, the first thing, which came to my mind, was Web2.0.Nowadays everything is defined related to Web2.0 like Marketing 2.0,
Classroom 2.0, and News 2.0 etc. Therefore, I thought of TV 2.0 and found this article on TV2.0.
TV 2.0 - Six new ways to watch TV I feel we are slowly moving to the TV2.0 generation. We are already in the News 2.0 generation .I have RSS feeds to most of the news websites. Can configure Google widgets to get news of my interest in my Google homepage like BBC, CNN, and Reify etc. I read some interesting news articles and news videos shared by friends in Facebook and blogs.
Most of the TV News channel like BBC has started putting some of their video content in their website long time back. Even some broadcasting companies have already started putting the content on the web. Check out the article
Is the Future of the TV on the web People will start watching the programs from those companies based on reviews by different readers like your Facebook friends, tagging on social optimization sites like Digg 2.0, Delicious 2.0. Video Channels like youtube display most popular videos based on the no of views , user ratings , reviews etc. Therefore, I think the future will be TV 2.0 and then TV 3.0.